
We are proud to announce that CHORALIFE is the digital distributor of part of the catalog of Edizioni Cappella Sistina CDs. Find them in all on line stores!

The last interview of the CHORALIFE composer Gianmartino Durighello, in which he speaks also of his composition Exsulta, Filia Sion (only Italian)

Crazy Dance by Aurelio Porfiri, from the CD of Piano Improvisations “The Reasons of the Heart” (CHORALIFE, 2014)

L’anima mia ha sete by Aurelio Porfiri, recorded for the liturgical programs of Vatican Radio. Tomas Luis da Victoria Music School Choir (Rome), Organist Aurelio Porfiri, Conductor Sister Dolores Aguirre

Risuoni la mia bocca by Aurelio Porfiri. Liturgical song composed in honor of Saint Cecilia and performed in Rome. Sisters Servants of Mary of the Monastery of Via della Fanella (Rome). Organist Aurelio Porfiri, Conductor Sister Dolores Aguirre

Aurelio Porfiri’s two upcoming CDs of piano improvisations are almost ready to be published: LAST DREAM and THE REASONS OF THE HEART. This is a bonus track piece “Senses”.

On November, 21 the CHORALIFE composer Joseph Vella has been invited in Lucca (Italy) by the Cluster Association for a conference and a concert with his compositions.

Tomorrow November, 21 in Civitavecchia (Rome, Italy) there will be an interesting conference on liturgical music where you could have the chance to meet the CHORALIFE composer Giuseppe Liberto. If you are there do not miss this important event!

CHORALIFE will be present at this important three days conference on Giovanni Sgambati starting on November, 19 at the MUSA (National Music Instruments Museum) at the Accademia Nazionale Santa Cecilia of Rome

On November, 21 there will be the World Premiere of “By the Rivers of Babylon” (Ps. 137) by the CHORALIFE composer Richard J. Clark. This new music piece will be performed during a concert in St Cecilia Church, Boston (USA) for the Feast of the Patron of Church Musicians: Allesandra Cionco Soprano & Michael Dahlberg cello, Saint Cecilia Choir, Richard J. Clark, Director.

On November, 16 the Oratorio ‘Mil anys’ by the CHORALIFE composer Valentí Miserachs will be performed Santa Maria in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Igualada (Catalonia). The concert will be conducted by Msgr. Miserachs. (In the photo Msgr. Miserachs and Maestro Aurelio Porfiri)

On November, 24 2014 the “Concerto in Mi” for Piano and Orchestra by the CHORALIFE Composer Domenico Bartolucci will be performed at the Merkin Hall in New York (USA): Novus NY Orchestra, Pianist Roberto Prosseda, Conductor Boris Brott.

Maestro Aurelio Porfiri, founder and CEO of CHORALIFE, was appointed scientific collaborator of IBIMUS, Institute for Musical Bibliography (, an association of musicologists recognized from the Italian Government that has the scope to study the Musical Heritage in Italy.

An interesting interview to Dr. Peter Kwasniewski about sacred music, with a reference also to Aurelio Porfiri’s contribution in this field.

A great concert involving teachers, students and guest musicians will take place in Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary School Chapel (Macau) on the coming November 6, 6.30. Internationally known lute player Luca Marconato, will join musicians in Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary school and Our Lady of Fatima girls’ School for a special concert featuring Baroque music compositions. It will be a very rare opportunity to hear a so uncommon musical instrument and a great occasion for all to enjoy the beauty of Baroque music. Professor Aurelio Porfiri, Director of Choral Activities in Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary School has commented: “It is a great pleasure to share so beautiful musical compositions of my own Italian tradition with local people in Macau, I really hope that will be for all a new and refreshing experience”.

Extraordinay concert on November, 14 2014 in the Abbazia di Santa Maria in Silvis, Sesto al Reghena (Pordenone, Italy) with music by Gabriel Fauré and the CHORALIFE composer Giuseppe Liberto.

Upcoming performance in Hong Kong! Dian Paramita, soprano Luca Marconato, theorbo Date: Monday, November 03, 2014 Time: 8pm Venue: HONG KONG ARTS CENTRE SHOUSON THEATRE In collaboration with Choralife Publisher and Choralife Association

On October, 19 2014 Aurelio Porfiri has been named Honorary Director of Music of the Church of Santa Maria dell’Orto in Rome after the world premiere of his “Missa in Festo Beatae Virginis Mariae de Horto”

Another article on an Italian newspaper about the World premiere of “Missa in Festo Beatae Virginis Mariae de Horto” by Aurelio Porfiri on October, 19 2014 in the Church of Santa Maria dell’Orto in Rome.

Article of the World premiere of “Missa in Festo Beatae Virginis Mariae de Horto” by Aurelio Porfiri on October, 19 2014 in the Church of Santa Maria dell’Orto in Rome.

Announce in one of the most important Italian newsletters regarding music of the World premiere of “Missa in Festo Beatae Virginis Mariae de Horto” by Aurelio Porfiri on October, 19 2014 in the Church of Santa Maria dell’Orto in Rome.

One of the pieces by the CHORALIFE composer César Zumel Vaquero, “Itxarope Speranza”, has received the third award in a choral music contest, organised by the choirs association from Vizcaya (BAE). Maestro Zumel said: “I am very happy for winning the third award! However the real value of it is that the first award went to Luis Elizalde, one of my favourite composers for SATB and others.”

Article of O Clarim about the World premiere of “Missa in Festo Beatae Virginis Mariae de Horto” by Aurelio Porfiri on October, 19 2014 in the Church of Santa Maria dell’Orto in Rome

Prima mondiale della “Missa in Festo Beatae Virginis Mariae de Horto” di Aurelio Porfiri – Promo Una nuova composizione sacra dell’autore italiano Aurelio Porfiri sarà eseguita il 19 ottobre 2014 presso la bellissima Chiesa di Santa Maria dell’Orto a Roma. Cappella Musicale di Santa Maria in Via, direttore Luigi Ciuffa, organista Gianluca Libertucci.

Article of O Clarim about the first performance of the “Saint Augustine Mass” by Aurelio Porfiri in Macau on October, 4 2014 (Chinese version)

Article of O Clarim about the first performance of the “Saint Augustine Mass” by Aurelio Porfiri in Macau on October, 4 2014 (English version)

A New Mass For A New Era by Aurelio Porfiri “It is a Mass conceived in the light of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council that requires the real, active participation of the congregation.” —Gianluca Libertucci “Our Archconfraternity is truly grateful to Maestro Aurelio Porfiri for the gift of this marvelous Mass which he has composed.” —Domenico Rotella. In collaboration with Views from the Choir Loft and Choralife Publisher

Article about the World premiere of “Missa in Festo Beatae Virginis Mariae de Horto” by Aurelio Porfiri on October, 19 2014 in the Church of Santa Maria dell’Orto in Rome

Aurelio Porfiri’s first article in the prestigious american magazine Choral Journal about the CHORALIFE composer Domenico Bartolucci (1917-2013)

A new recording of O Sacrum Convivium by the CHORALIFE Composer Richard J. Clark. Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum, conductor Andrew Leung. The score will be published soon by CHORALIFE, available in SSA as well as TTB.

The world premiere of Our Father in aramaic by the CHORALIFE composer César Zumel took place last Friday October, 3 2014 in Burgos Cathedral (Spain). Coral de Cámara San Esteban, conductor César Zumel.

On October 19, 2014 on the occasion of the main feast of the Church of Santa Maria dell’Orto in Rome (Italy) there will be the world premiere of “Missa in Festo Beatae Virginis Mariae de Horto” composed by the Roman musician Aurelio Porfiri. The Mass, whose score has been published by the German Edition Ferrimontana, will be performed by the famous Cappella Musicale di Santa Maria in Via of Rome conducted by Maestro Luigi Ciuffa, at the organ the organist of the church Maestro Gianluca Libertucci. The Mass has been already recorded on CD and will be available soon for the record label CHORALIFE.

On October, 2 2014 Choralife has been present to this very important international conference about the reuse of digital cultural content in Rome, Italy.

The new “Missa in Festo Beate Virginis Maria de Horto” by Aurelio Porfiri has been recorded on September, 10 2014 in the Church of S. Maria in Via in Rome, Italy: Cappella Musicale di S. Maria in Via, conductor Luigi Ciuffa, organist Gianluca Libertucci.

An interview to Aurelio Porfiri by Catarina Pinto in Macau Daily Times about Choralife.