Commissioning new music
Do you want to celebrate your special occasion with an original composition? Or new music tailor made for your choir for a competition or a special event? Maestro Aurelio Porfiri will be happy to provide you with new and original compositions. Maestro Porfiri is a published composer with over 30 years of experience. His music is published in Italy, Germany, France, USA and China. He has composed Masses, Motets, Madrigals, Organ pieces, Oratorios, Instrumental Music, Chamber Music etc. for a catalogue that now counts hundreds of compositions.

“Aurelio has a superb ear, advanced keyboard skills, and an excellent conductor.”
Dale Warland (Conductor, composer and academic, founder and conductor of the Dale Warland Singers – USA)
“He is one of the most active ambassadors of choral arts in the 21st century. Having been trained in the very center of sacred music, his music reverberates the beauty of Renaissance polyphony with a touch of contemporary spirit”.
Arwin Tan (conductor and composer – Philippines)
“I believe I am not telling lies if I say that A. Porfiri is an artist that live this spirit [of the liturgy] and breath these feelings, and so he is a christian and an artist that with his religious music he sings his faith with a true spiritual joy, with the nobility of musical forms and inspiration of the soul”.
Antoni Martorell Miralles (Composer and conductor – Spain)
“Aurelio Porfiri offers inspiration to all who work with him. His attitude and gifts have taught me a lot and I owe him a great debt of gratitude. It is a great privilege to know and work with him”.
Colin Mawby (former conductor of the choir of Westminster Cathedral in London – 1961-1978, UK)
“It is a true consolation to discover that a young master show his belief in the values of true music (and today, unfortunately, this is not a given) that is expressed in a modern form without going outside the boundaries of music spirituality, fostering in doing so the meditation and listening interest”.
Alberico Vitalini (former responsable for the musical programs of Vatican Radio, Composer and Conductor, Italy)
“He impresses me not only as a fine scholar of music, but also as a very fine human being. I have been impressed by his kindness, humility, and sincere interest in the others”.
Darryl Tippens (Writer, Professor and Provost Pepperdine University- USA)
“From a stylistic point of view he represents a contemporary version of the ancient Roman School”.
Giuseppe Agostini (Retired professor music conservatories, organist, pianist, composer and conductor – Italy)
Following in the footsteps of the Renaissance masters, Maestro. Porfiri writes exquisitely composed sacred music of sublime beauty. There is a timeless quality to his composition which is both familiar and fresh. Maestro Porfiri stands as a pillar of integrity against the “dumbing down” of sacred music”.
Matthew Oltman (Music Director Emeritus, Chanticleer, USA)
Aurelio Porfiri is an outstanding organist, choral conductor, composer, arranger and teacher”.
Michael R. Prendergast (Liturgist and Writer, Sacred Liturgy Ministries – Portland, Oregon, USA)
“Aurelio Porfiri is one of the significant religious composers and conductors of our time. His music inspires”.Paul J. Contino (Blanche E. Seaver Professor of Humanities, Editor, Christianity and Literature, Associate Director, Center for Faith and Learning HUTE Division, Pepperdine University)
“Aurelio is a pioneer, on the front lines of a cappella, spreading harmony through harmony around the world”.
– the length of the proposed work; and
– the number of performers.
Symphonic Orchestra ($ 1000 per minute)
Orchestral work with soloist(s) and/or Choir ($ 1200 per minute)
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