
Wating for You by Aurelio Porfiri, Piano Improvisation from the upcoming CD “Last Dream” (CHORALIFE, 2015)

“The Singer as Preacher: the Choral Music of Domenico Bartolucci and the Schola Romana” by Aurelio Porfiri in Ascending Voice, an international symposium of sacred a cappella music hosted and organized by Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, USA, June 4-7 2007. Plenary address recorded on June 6, 2007

Remembering Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci: my Teacher and Inspiration by Aurelio Porfiri, in collaboration with Views from the Choir Loft and CHORALIFE Publisher

Crazy Dance by Aurelio Porfiri, from the CD of Piano Improvisations “The Reasons of the Heart” (CHORALIFE, 2014)

Aurelio Porfiri’s two upcoming CDs of piano improvisations are almost ready to be published: LAST DREAM and THE REASONS OF THE HEART. This is a bonus track piece “Senses”.

Exclusive interview by Aurelio Porfiri with the important Vaticanist Angela Ambrogetti. In collaboration with Views from the Choir Loft and CHORALIFE Publisher

“Sursum Corda (Sacred music and Liturgy)”, Tv program of the EWTN Global Catholic Television Network, in which Colin Mawby interviews Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci few months before his death.

What Is The Role Of Liturgical Music? by Aurelio Porfiri A meeting with Msgr. Valentino Miserachs – In collaboration with Views from the Choir Loft and CHORALIFE Publisher

Make Me To Know Your Ways, O Lord by Aurelio Porfiri – Santa Rosa De Lima English Secondary Choir (Macau), conductor Aurelio Porfiri – From the CD “Missa Pro Defunctis – Motets” (CHORALIFE, 2014)

Toccata dopo la Messa by Aurelio Porfiri – Organist Gianluca Libertucci. From the CD “Missa in Festo Beatae Virgins Mariae de Horto” – Cappella Musicale di Santa Maria in Via, Conductor Luigi Ciuffa, Organist Gianluca Libertucci (CHORALIFE, 2014)

Cantantibus Organis by Aurelio Porfiri, a reflection on St. Cecilia, including an interview with Sr. Margaret Truran. In collaboration with Views from the Choir Loft and Choralife Publisher

“CHORALIFE Publisher: New and Unique” by Richard J. Clark published on Views from the Choir Loft. Article about our work on CHORALIFE.

Wandering Around by Aurelio Porfiri. Including an exclusive interview with Matias Augé. In collaboration with Views from the Choir Loft and Choralife Publisher

Light and Darkness by Aurelio Porfiri. INCLUDED DURING this beautiful reflection by Aurelio Porfiri are exclusive interviews with Fr. Corrado Maggioni and Prof. Rodolfo Papa. In collaboration with Views from the Choir Loft and Choralife Publisher

“Am I a Disease?” In this video Aurelio Porfiri reflects on the change in Canon law wording. The 1917 code said “reduced to the laical state.” The new code speaks of “dismissal from the clerical state.” In collaboration with Views from the Choir Loft and CHORALIFE Publisher

A new recording of O Sacrum Convivium by the CHORALIFE Composer Richard J. Clark. Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum, conductor Andrew Leung. The score will be published soon by CHORALIFE, available in SSA as well as TTB.

The world premiere of Our Father in aramaic by the CHORALIFE composer César Zumel took place last Friday October, 3 2014 in Burgos Cathedral (Spain). Coral de Cámara San Esteban, conductor César Zumel.

Aurelio Porfiri: Corpus Domini – IV Veni, Iesu Domine Oratorio fur Soli, Choir and Orchestra. Performed by Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary Choir, Our Lady of Fatima Girls’ School Choirs, China Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra Conductor: Aurelio Porfiri

Aurelio Porfiri interviewed on Macau TDM by Tiffany Yew for a 30 minutes Talk Show aired on March 13, 2014

Interview done by TDM about Aurelio Porfiri concert with Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary Choir on february 21, 2014, featuring one of the last compositions of Aurelio Porfiri: “Missa Pro Defunctis”. The concert was performed in Santa Clara Chapel in Santa Rosa de Lima Chinese Section school.

Aurelio Porfiri interviewed by his friend Deke Sharon in 2012.